Youval Ziv, managing partner at Pacific Holdings Partnership in Los Angeles, California, firmly believes in the idea of paying it forward. Believers in paying it forward, like Youval Ziv, believe one of the best ways to honor a kindness done to you is to do your own kindnesses to others, rather than trying to return the favor to the initial giver.
The idea of paying it forward appears in many cultures and belief systems, including Judaism and paganism, and came back into the public consciousness after a movie of the same name was released in 2000. In this belief system, individuals may initiate such a cycle at any time, helping someone out without any expectation of repayment.
The idea of paying it forward is one of genuine altruism. Participants take no ownership of the successes of the individuals they help, and instead simply hope that the kindnesses they do in the moment will generate a better world for others, and perhaps eventually come full circle. These kind acts can be as small as buying a beverage for the person behind oneself in line, or as large as free work. There are no limits to paying it forward.