Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Public Speaking Fears Can Be Overcome

Israeli-American real estate leader Youval Ziv heads four companies concerned with real estate and investment. At Pacific Holdings Partnership, Youval Ziv directs the operations of a 13-year-old firm with high-performing property investments in California and several other states. Youval Ziv is also a public speaker who has addressed audiences on a variety of topics in his field.

Many polls report that public speaking is among Americans’ greatest fears. Yet experts have demonstrated that this fear is far from unconquerable. 

While many courses are available on how to improve skills in speaking in front of an audience, speakers still need to come to grips with underlying anxieties to achieve success. Experienced speakers offer advice that ranges from meticulous preparation to consciously developing confident body language. 

These may help, as may visualization techniques in which the speaker creates strong mental images of success. Experts also advise speakers to check out the space where the speech will take place ahead of time. Do research in advance to understand the audience, the theme of the event, and the current state of the relevant industries.